P-42, r. 10.2 - Regulation respecting the traceability of certain animals

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22. Every animal owner or custodian that moves an animal outside Québec, that moves a cervid from a place in Québec to another place in Québec, or that moves an ovine from a place in Québec to a place in Québec other than an establishment for livestock auctions or a slaughterhouse must send to the Minister or, where applicable, to the management body, his name, address and stakeholder number, the name and address of the operation, the information referred to in subparagraphs 7, 14 and 15 of section 2 that applies to the operation and the name and address of the owner or, where applicable, of the following custodian or, if that information cannot be provided, the name and address of the carrier as well as the registration number of the vehicle and, where applicable, the registration number of the trailer or semi-trailer used to transport the animal within 7 days after the event.
However, in the case of an agricultural exhibition, the information on the movements of an animal must be sent within 7 days after the end of the exhibition.
O.C. 205-2002, s. 22; O.C. 161-2004, s. 16; O.C. 66-2009, s. 14.